I want you to edit or possibly re-write the following essay to strictly adhere t

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I want you to edit or possibly re-write the following essay to strictly adhere to the rubric and follow the prompt precisely, I’ll pay a base of $40 + (20(even more)+ in tips) depending on how well you improve the essay to get me the best grade possible, it’s worth 30% of my grade so I’ll pay you very very very generously for providing me an essay that’s amazing! I’ll provide all the documents so you can strictly base your argument from them! The professor strictly wants the essay to be argumentative and have a super strong introduction paragraph (this determines if you have an A or B paper). Just read the rubric and the prompt and follow them closely. Don’t use any outside sources at all, strictly the sources I provide you. Use 2 – 3 quotes per paragraph and have a lot of thoughtful commentary that ties back to the prompt. Have a thesis and intro and body paragraphs that adhere exactly to her guidelines that my professor provided. Also be very argumentative and academic in your argument. Have a very strong conclusion that captivates the reader and leaves them in awe. Please don’t plagiarize or use any sort of AI she’s going to use multiple AI and plagiarism checkers on our work. If you provide me amazing work I’ll tip generously and hire you for all future assignments in the future! It’s due tomorrow at 8pm!
Pieces of Texts To use (they didn’t let me link all of them, but I’ll provide them: Peggy Pascoe: Chapter 1-2; 4-5; 6-7, 8-9
Kelly Lytle Hernandez: “Conquest and Incarceration” and “An Eliminatory Option”
Waziyatawin Angela Wilson, “Decolonizing the 1862 Death Marches”
Foner, Forever Free, Chapters 2-3
Foner, Second Founding, Chapter 1-4
The Color of Law Richard Rothstein, Pre-face, Chapter 5, Chapter 11

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