Choose an interview with anyone from history. Speak about the interviewee and pr

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Choose an interview with anyone from history. Speak about the interviewee and provide a life summary about the person. Then, analyze the interview, and provide a brief summary of what the person spoke about. Remember, it is a non-biased approach, so no persuasion should be included. You should simply explain and then analyze what has been discussed.
For example, if your interview is on Barack Obama, first, provide a summary of his life, his accomplishments, his prime focus, etc. Then, provide an analysis of the interview, including what he spoke about, his viewpoint, and the prime focus of the interview.
Here is the breakdown:
In the introduction, provide the name and occupation of the designated personality. Then, state the main theme of the whole discussion.
In the first body paragraph, describe the life summary of the personality including their achievements, their mark on society, etc.
In the second body paragraph, give the synopsis of the interview.
In the third body paragraph, analyze it and state what you understood of it.
The final paragraph is the conclusion.
Here is the link for citing sources: cite inside the text.
Include at least two in-text citations along with the interview source in your essay. All three sources should be reflected in your references.
Informational and Analytical Essay Criteria: (100 Points)
Introduction: 15 Points
Body Paragraphs 2 and 3: 30 Points (15 points for each paragraph)
Body Paragraph 4 Includes: 20 Points
Conclusion: 15 points
Grammar and Mechanics: 10 Points
APA format: 10 Points
100 pointsNote: Proofread your essay or see a tutor before submitting the final publish.

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