Compare Documentaries and Readings Watch the assigned documentaries related to t

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By admin

Compare Documentaries and Readings
Watch the assigned documentaries related to the topic.
Write a comparison between what you saw in the documentaries and what you read in the course materials.
Explain where they overlap and where they differ.
Give examples or scenes from the documentaries and specific concepts from the readings.
Share Your Personal Perspective
Talk about your own thoughts and feelings on the social justice issue.
Explain how the readings and class discussions influenced your understanding.
You can be honest about any changes in your viewpoint because of what you’ve learned.
Suggest a Policy Recommendation
Think about what kind of policy could help with the social justice problem.
Make sure your recommendation is backed by what you’ve learned in class and from the readings.
Here are the readings:
Here are the videos (you can choose whichever one you prefer but make sure you find the connection between those and the readings I have linked.

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