In this reflection paper, you will consider a child mental health topic from a d

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In this reflection paper, you will consider a child mental health topic from a different cultural vantage point. The profession of psychology is grounded predominantly in Euro-centric assumptions and ways of knowing. Theories and perspectives on health, illness, and intervention are generally oriented towards people whose identities match the dominant culture (i.e., white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, native-born, etc.). This assignment encourages you to think about a course topic from a critical lens.
The topic: You will select a content area related to child mental health. This could be the definition of mental health and wellness broadly, or it may be a specific topic we are learning about this term (e.g., autism, ADHD, anxiety). Your job with this assignment is to learn about the topic from a different cultural perspective. This could include a cultural group within Canada (e.g., Indigenous perspectives, Black Canadians), a global perspective (e.g., a different country), or the perspective of an equity-seeking group (e.g., transgender youth). Thus, your topic will include a content area and a cultural context.
The paper: You will locate a resource that addresses the topic you have selected. Your paper will consist of your reflections on how your selected topic (i.e., a mental health topic from a different cultural vantage point) compares to what we learn from sources such as our textbook and what is important for Canadian psychologists to understand about the topic. For example, are there distinct risk factors in certain communities for a mental health condition? Are there ways in which policies or practices create barriers to receiving care for a mental health condition in certain communities? Are there ways in which current approaches to assessment or treatment might be a poor match in certain communities? Other critical perspectives are also welcome. Your resource should come from a peer-reviewed source (e.g., journal article, book chapter). Other sources, such as in-depth investigative reporting, may be appropriate, but share it with me in advance for approval if you are unsure. You only need one resource; you will not have space in the assignment to include more than one! Your reflection paper should include: A statement of the topic you are addressing – why is this topic important and how might current understandings of the topic be insufficient? (approx. 1 page) Your reflections on how the field could improve in the selected area. What do psychologists and counsellors need to understand about the topic to better serve children and youth from your selected cultural context? (approx. 1 page) Length: 2 pages + a cover page Format: responses should use APA formatting, 12 pt font, with 1” margins all around. Evaluation: Both content and style/presentation of ideas will count. Areas of evaluation will be:
Ability to identify the core problem that is being addressed (4 points max) Discussion of how to improve the identified area (4 points max) Appropriateness of selected resource (1 point max)
Demonstration of comprehension of the selected resource (2 points max)
Alignment with APA formatting (1 point max) Use of critical thinking and self-reflection (3 point max)
*I have attached below the materials covered in course so far. Thanks!!! 😊

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